
Change listing type: Gallery

guid: 383

type: object

subtype: 1

owner_guid: 2

container_guid: 2

site_guid: 1

time_created: 1472777083

time_updated: 1688467917

title: Harrington Road ~ September 1


This photo was taken on September 1st. The "Do Not Enter" sign was lowered from the top of the pole to a lower position, because there was no line of sight to it for a motorist coming upon the barricade.

Note also, the sign does not have "One-Way" written across the white strip, as it should.

This photo appears in this article page: 

The Snot Hurled 'Round the World



filename: file/1472777083image.jpg

mimetype: image/jpeg

originalfilename: image.jpg

simpletype: image

filestore::dir_root: /var/db/elgg/

filestore::filestore: ElggDiskFilestore

thumbnail: file/thumb1472777083image.jpg

smallthumb: file/smallthumb1472777083image.jpg

largethumb: file/largethumb1472777083image.jpg

Change listing type: Gallery