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The Longest Thread In Living Memory

Title: The Longest Thread In Living Memory
Artist: Montana Mouse
Composer: Kim Wallach and Amis Créatifs
YouTube: The Coldest Winter In Living Memory ~ Kim Wallach
 For over three weeks it's been a long slog
 And every new day leaves my brain in a fog
 It’s hard just to read, to follow this play
 And it's harder since we all went astray
 And my brain reels in search of epiphany
 It's the longest thread in living memory
 The pain in my head, so fast paced that I’m lost
 The chase and free wheeling, whatever, dear boss
 I wish you’d learn soon what I already know
 You’re dazed how you feel and not where you go
 And the storm howls in my head like an old enemy
 It's the noisiest thread in living memory
 One clear word from you could warm hearts as much
 As a fire in a stove or a steady man's crutch
 But you’re wild when you race, you don't really pace
 And that feels like a slap in the face
 And my brain reels in search of epiphany
 It's the longest thread in living memory
 And the storm howls in my head like an old enemy
 It's the noisiest thread in living memory

CopyClef 2020 Kim Wallach and Amis Créatifs
Resurrection Hackware.  All songs abused.
“At Resurrection Hackware, our tiresome song parodies routinely celebrate our shreklisch life dramas."
Find more folk music from Kim Wallach here: The Coldest Winter In Living Memory

Last updated 1599 days ago by Moulton